4 Reasons Kids Thrive Better in a Faith-Centered Performance Environment than a Secular One

By: Abi Oxley-Derrick

As a true theatre-kid, performance nerd, and a lover of the stage from the time I was a toddler, I am SO grateful that kids today have endless opportunities to be involved in performance-based activities. Things like musical theater, dance classes, music lessons, and show choir have become immensely popular, and given kids incredible opportunities to grow in skill, confidence, and make life-long friends. However, one of the things severely lacking in most modern-day performance outlets is the tie to faith. Acknowledgment of the creative Creator who gave us the desire and skills to perform in the first place. Faith-based performance studios. That’s why I’m SO passionate about Stand and what they do for kids, and why I believe a performance studio without Christ at the heart of it just won’t give kids the same experience as one who puts Jesus above talent, skill, or anything else.

1: Identity: Kids today are being constantly bombarded with ideas of identity, and who the world thinks they should be. There’s an endless stream of distractions that inevitably leaves kids grasping at straws to figure out “who they are.” One of the tremendous benefits to a faith-based studio (like Stand!), is that in a world that encourages confusion, kids have a safe space to learn about their identity in Christ through the lens of something that brings joy! While kids are learning dance styles, acting skills, and vocals, they are learning about the Bible and what God says about them. While learning about character development, they learn about their identity in Christ. Through performance, kids learn that their ultimate identity is in Christ, not something fleeting and fickle the world can offer. They know who they are outside of, and above anything they can accomplish as a performer.

2: Environment: The environment in which a young person learns, explores, and creates is absolutely vital to their confidence. And in an area that has a reputation for comparison, competition, and rejection (i.e, dancing, singing, acting, theatre, etc), is it absolutely VITAL that students have an environment that encourages and cultivates love, respect, acceptance, and growth. A faith-based studio looks at its students holistically, not for what talents or skills they can provide. We focus on your student’s heart, spirit, and walk with

Jesus FIRST, long before any performance-related ideas. We want our students to feel loved and safe whether they’re delivering the best performance of their life or their worst. The environment to learn, grow, fail, and grow again is much better achieved when it’s through the lens of Christ’s unfailing love and goodness.

3: Life-Long Skills: One of the most incredible things about performance is that it can equip you with a toolbox of valuable skills that you can carry for the rest of your life. Discipline, confidence, strong communication, and so much more. The even more incredible thing about a studio like Stand is that it can provide your students with all of that plus more. Not only do kids walk away with life-skills for their toolbelt, they are equipped with Biblical and spiritual knowledge for their “follower-of-Christ” toolbelt. Our prayer is that our students not only leave amazing performers with life-long skills, but that they leave better lovers of Jesus than when they joined. We hope they walk away with a deeper intimacy with Jesus and a stronger knowledge of His word PLUS the skills they need to be a skilled, professional performer.

4: Community: Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” We all know that the people we surround ourselves with carry weight, and can affect our life for better or for worse. As a mom, I want nothing more than my daughter to fall in love with Jesus, and have people around her that move her closer to the Father, and help her relationship with Him grow. That’s one of the reasons I believe a faith-centered studio like Stand has such a massive advantage over secular studios. When your student walks into class, rehearsal, or a lesson, they are surrounded by people who love them and love Jesus. They are surrounded by a community that seeks the Lord, and encourages each other to grow in Him. They make INCREDIBLE, life-long relationships that build them up and honor Christ. And that right there, is priceless.

Faith-based studios have too many benefits to name, but choosing that environment over a secular studio can create relationships, skills, and a place of learning that can change a child’s life forever! If you’re on the fence, come check out Stand. You won’t regret it!


Lecrae: The Multifaceted Artist Bringing Faith and Groove to the Dance Floor


Children and Performing Arts