Children and Performing Arts

By: Jessie Beebe

“Should every child participate in performing arts classes?”

I was posed with this question recently, and I say YES!  As someone who has been involved in some sort of performing arts since I was about three years old, I am a little biased; however, as someone who has run a non-profit performing arts group for 17 years, I might know a thing or two!

I have loved the spotlight since I exited the womb, but as a director of a performing arts studio, I realize not every child craves the stage like me.  I have seen close to 1000 kinder-12th graders come through Stand’s organization as dancers, singers, or actors.  Every single student definitely won’t become Broadway stars, but I can say with complete certainty, every student left with more confidence and vigor than when they came.  

There is something about stepping out of our comfort zones by dancing a new dance step, speaking in front of a group and even singing in front of a class.  Just the act of stepping out and doing something new causes so much growth in our being!  Our organization had an eight-year-old who started out with Stand by hiding in corners and not participating in any of the classes.  All of our teachers prayed and encouraged him each week to help him realize how amazing he is!  Soon, he stepped out and tried a few things.  As he felt the excitement of taking a chance, he was beginning to really like the stage!  In fact, Shawn is now 19 years old, still in Stand, has been the lead in many of our shows, and dances with our professional team!   

I realize not every performing arts studio will respond to shy students in the way we have.  Competition in the Arts is a very real thing.  At Stand being a ministry is very important to us.  In addition to encouraging students out of their comfort zones, we speak life into them through God’s word.  Almost weekly, we remind kids that they are created in God’s image and are a masterpiece!  

So, yes, in the right atmosphere I believe every child can benefit by taking performing arts classes.  They might not become a movie star, but I have yet to find an occupation where confidence, people skills, and being able to give presentations doesn’t come in handy!  Get your kiddos in some performing arts classes and let them shine!


4 Reasons Kids Thrive Better in a Faith-Centered Performance Environment than a Secular One


Performing Arts and The Development of Children